About Us

Milan Zdvorilý

The first beginnings of my creation from different materials began in my childhood. It continued at school in various creative workshops, where we learned to use different cutting machines and tools. In the meantime, I was gaining more skills and accuracy, but I won´t specify here all the schools and training I passed as it may be unnecessarily ludicrous and I do not see anything interesting about what interesting is and it is the resultant product of creation. In my life, and from my school times where I was only interested in praxis, I am inclined to this idea — Everything you do, do as best you can, do it with your heart, with enthusiasm and faith in your perfect result. Everything you do with your heart is unbelievable and incomprehensible by your mind and so it is ….

Before you are going to create anything, give your heart a clear intent with awareness why you’re going to make it…. Our intention to create this amazing musical jewel was simply given by our hearts and that – We want to create unique and perfect musical gems Hand Pans that heal both players and listeners and at the same time the space in which they sound and expand their consciousness with their sound, open the hearts and bring joy, love, peace and harmony to everything that exists and is…

And so it is and it is so…

CALL US: +421 944 232 271

© Singingsteel.eu
Created by Petr Pospisil